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Mommy Makeover Special!

May 06, 2024

In honor of Mother's Day, receive 15% off surgeon fees when you have your consultation before May 31st, 2024, AND have your surgery before the end of July 2024.

Call or Text to speak to one of our Patient Liaisons and schedule your appointment while availability lasts!

*$100 Non-Refundable Consultation Fee to be applied towards surgery costs

*Offer does not include a discount on anesthesia, facility services, or cost of implants

*Appointments are scheduled on a first come first serve basis until the end of May

*Not applicable to quotes dated prior to May 1st, 2024

06 Mar, 2024
Are you tired of looking tired? Do you want to look younger and refreshed? Are you feeling self-conscious about your appearance due to wrinkles, sagging skin or droopy brows? Are you ready for a change but don't know where to start? If so, then it's time to consider a board-certified plastic surgeon in Fleming Island, FL. The Importance of Looking Good Looking good is important because it can boost your confidence and improve the way people perceive you. However, aging can take a toll on our appearance as we develop wrinkles and lose skin elasticity over time. This can often lead us to feel less confident in our own skin. A plastic surgeon offers various procedures that help reduce the signs of aging by lifting sagging skin around the face and neck area. These procedures not only enhance your natural beauty but also give an immediate boost of self-confidence. A brow lift, neck lift, or full face lift may be the solution to your problem If you're considering facelift surgery or other cosmetic treatments like Botox injections or dermal fillers; there are many options available depending on what areas need improvement. For example: - Brow Lift : This procedure lifts eyebrows that have begun drooping with age. - Neck Lift : This procedure involves trimming hanging skin and the tightening of loose skin around the underlying neck muscles. - Full Face Lift : It tightens loose skin around cheeks and jowls giving an overall youthful appearance. These surgical procedures provide long-lasting results compared to non-surgical treatments like chemical peels or laser resurfacing. The Benefits of Facial Plastic Surgery The benefits of facial plastic surgery go beyond just improving aesthetics; they also offer psychological benefits such as increased self-esteem and confidence. Patients who undergo these procedures often report feeling happier and more satisfied with their overall appearance. In addition to the psychological benefits, plastic surgery of the face can also improve physical health by correcting issues like obstructed vision due to sagging eyelids or improving breathing problems caused by a deviated septum. Imagine waking up every morning without worrying about wrinkles, sagging skin, or droopy brows. With the help of a board-certified plastic surgeon, you can achieve your dream look that boosts your self-confidence. The results are natural-looking yet dramatic enough that people will notice but not know what has changed. The Confidence Boost Feeling good about yourself is important for personal growth as well as professional success. When you're confident in your appearance, it shows in everything from how you carry yourself to how others perceive you. Plastic surgery of the face offers an opportunity for people who want to feel better about themselves without compromising on quality care. Don't wait any longer to get the look you want If you're ready to take control of your appearance and boost your confidence levels significantly; then contact Fleming Island Plastic Surgery today! A consultation with Dr. Wallace will help determine which procedure is right for you based on individual needs and preferences. We understand that undergoing cosmetic surgery is a big decision; therefore we ensure personalized attention throughout the process so patients feel comfortable and informed at all times. Don't wait any longer - schedule an appointment now and start enjoying life with renewed confidence! Call us at (904) 990-3477 and start looking youger and refreshed!
05 Feb, 2024
What is a double board certified plastic surgeon? If you're considering plastic surgery in Fleming Island, FL, it's important to choose the right plastic surgeon. One way to ensure that you're getting the best possible care is by choosing a double board certified plastic surgeon. But what does "double board certified" mean? It means that the surgeon has been certified by not one, but two different boards – specifically, the American Board of Plastic Surgery and The American Board of Surgery . This rigorous certification process ensures that your plastic surgeon has received extensive training and education in both general surgery and plastic surgery. The benefits of choosing a double board certified plastic surgeon for your procedure Choosing a double board certified plastic surgeon offers numerous benefits. First and foremost, it provides peace of mind knowing that your doctor has undergone extensive training and passed multiple exams to become an expert in their field. Additionally: - They have experience with complex cases: Because they've completed additional training beyond just becoming licensed as a physician or even just being Board Certified in Plastic Surgery alone. - They stay up-to-date on advancements within both fields - They adhere to strict ethical standards set forth by each respective organization. - Patients are more likely to achieve optimal results from their procedures due to this level of expertise. When selecting any healthcare provider particularly for elective surgeries like cosmetic procedures patients should prioritize qualifications above all else. The rigorous training and qualifications required to become double-board-certified Becoming double-board-certified requires years of education and hands-on experience. To be eligible for certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), a surgeon must first complete a minimum of 3 years in an accredited residency program following graduation from medical school. In the case of Dr. Wallace, he completed his residency in general surgery. He then went on to complete his plastic surgery training. After completing each residency, they must pass a written and oral exam administered by the respected surgical board examiners. The peace of mind that comes with choosing a highly qualified surgeon for your plastic surgery in Fleming Island, FL Plastic surgery is an investment in yourself – both physically and emotionally. When you choose to undergo a procedure, you want to feel confident that you're putting your trust in someone who has the skills and expertise necessary to help you achieve your goals safely and effectively. By selecting a double board certified plastic surgeon for your procedure, you can rest assured knowing that your doctor has undergone rigorous training and testing to ensure they are well-equipped to provide optimal care from pre-op consultations through post-operative follow-up appointments. If you're considering plastic surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our double-board-certified plastic surgeon at Fleming Island Plastic Surgery today. During this appointment, we'll discuss your desired outcomes; perform an assessment; review any relevant medical history; answer questions about procedure options available and explain what patients should expect during recovery periods after each one so there are no surprises along the way! Don't wait any longer – take control of how YOU look and feel! Contact us now at (904) 990-3477 !
30 Jan, 2024
Why size matters when it comes to breast implants Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the use of breast implants to enhance the size and shape of breasts. While many women opt for this surgery for various reasons, choosing the right implant size is crucial in achieving optimal results. Factors to consider when choosing the right breast implant size When considering breast augmentation, there are several factors one must take into account before deciding on an implant size. Here are some things you need to consider: - Body type and frame size: Your body type and frame should be taken into consideration when selecting an appropriate implant size. Women with smaller frames may not be able to accommodate larger implants without looking disproportionate or unnatural. - Current breast size and shape: The current shape and size of your breasts also play a significant role in determining what implant would work best for you. Your surgeon will evaluate your existing breasts' structure, density, symmetry, nipple position, etc., before recommending an appropriate implant. - Lifestyle and activity level: Your lifestyle and activity level can also affect your choice of implant sizes. For example, if you're athletic or participate in high-impact activities such as running or weightlifting regularly, larger implants may not be suitable as they could cause discomfort or hinder physical movement. - Personal preferences and goals: Ultimately, personal preference plays a significant role in determining what feels comfortable for each individual woman's body image goals. Some women prefer subtle changes while others desire more dramatic results - both can be achieved through careful planning with their plastic surgeon. Benefits of choosing the right breast implant size Choosing the correct sized implants offers numerous benefits, including: - Improved self-confidence and body image: Breast augmentation can significantly improve a woman's self-esteem and body image. Women who feel unhappy with their breast size or shape may experience an increase in confidence after undergoing the procedure. - Better proportion and balance: The right implant size will enhance your natural curves, creating better overall proportions that complement your individual figure. - More comfortable and natural-looking results: Choosing the right-sized implants ensures that you achieve more comfortable results that look natural on your frame. Larger implants can cause discomfort or create an unnatural appearance if not chosen correctly. How to find the right plastic surgeon in Fleming Island, FL Finding a skilled plastic surgeon is crucial for achieving desirable outcomes from breast augmentation surgery. Here are some tips to help you choose the best one for you: - Research and compare credentials and experience: When looking for a plastic surgeon in Fleming Island, Florida, make sure they have proper board certifications such as American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) certification. Look into their years of experience performing breast augmentations specifically. - Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients: Reading reviews from other women who have undergone similar procedures can give insight into what it's like working with them personally during consultations through post-operative care. - Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and concerns: It is important to schedule an initial consultation appointment where you can discuss your goals openly with potential surgeons so they understand exactly what kind of result you're hoping to achieve. - Ask for before-and-after photos of similar cases: Any reputable plastic surgeon should be able to provide before-and-after photos of past clients' surgeries - this gives potential clients an idea about how successful their work has been in the past.  Make an informed decision based on your comfort level and trust in the surgeon Ultimately, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon that you feel comfortable with and confident about their ability to deliver optimal results. Take time during consultations to make sure all of your concerns are addressed before making any decisions. In conclusion, selecting the correct size for breast implants can be challenging but ultimately rewarding when done correctly. By considering factors such as body type, lifestyle, personal preference, and consulting with a reputable plastic surgeon, like Fleming Island Plastic Surgery in Fleming Island, Florida - women can achieve enhanced self-confidence and satisfaction through breast augmentation surgery. Contact us today and schedule your consultation at (904) 900-2704 !
02 Jan, 2024
Understanding the Need for Post Weight Loss Surgery Losing a significant amount of weight is an impressive accomplishment that can improve your health and confidence. However, it's not uncommon for individuals who have lost a lot of weight to experience excess skin and tissue as a result. This can lead to discomfort, irritation, and even infections. If you're struggling with loose skin after losing weight through dieting or bariatric surgery, post-weight loss surgery may be the solution you need. What is Post Weight Loss Surgery? Post-weight loss surgery refers to a set of procedures designed to remove excess skin and tissue from different parts of the body such as arms, thighs, abdomen, breasts, necks among others. The goal is usually to help patients achieve their desired shape by removing sagging skin that doesn't conform with their new body contours. The procedure involves making incisions on specific areas where there are excessive folds or hanging tissues then tightening muscles before closing up the wound using sutures or staples. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of your procedure but typically lasts between 4-6 weeks. The Different Types of Post Weight Loss Surgery Procedures There are several types of post-weight loss surgeries available today including: - Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) - Arm lift (brachioplasty) - Breast lift (mastopexy) - Thigh lift (thighplasty) - Fat grafting or transfer Each type targets different areas based on individual needs and goals so it's important to discuss all options with your surgeon to determine the best course of action. The Benefits of Post Weight Loss Surgery Post-weight loss surgery can provide numerous benefits, including: - Improved physical comfort and mobility - Better body shape and contouring - Increase in self-confidence and self-esteem - Elimination or reduction of skin irritation and infections caused by excess folds. These benefits can significantly improve your quality of life after losing a significant amount of weight. How Post Weight Loss Surgery Can Improve Your Quality of Life Excess skin after weight loss can cause discomfort, rashes, chafing, itching among other problems. This may limit your ability to participate in certain activities such as sports or even make it difficult for you to find clothes that fit well. Post-weight loss surgery eliminates these issues by removing sagging skin so you can enjoy an active lifestyle without any limitations. Additionally, the improved appearance leads to increased confidence which translates into better social interactions with others both professionally and personally. Choosing the Right Surgeon for Your Post Weight Loss Surgery Choosing the right surgeon is critical when considering post-weight loss surgery. It's essential to find someone who has experience performing these surgeries successfully while ensuring your safety throughout the procedure. When selecting a surgeon in Fleming Island, FL consider their credentials, experience level, reviews from previous patients as well as their communication style during consultations. Dr. William Wallace is a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Fleming Islands area, and offers both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Preparing for Your Post Weight Loss Surgery Before undergoing any surgical procedure ensure that you have discussed all aspects with your doctor ahead of time including pre-operative instructions such as fasting requirements before surgery day, medications prescribed prior and after operation, arrangements made for transportation home following discharge from hospital among others. It's also important to stop smoking, avoid alcohol and make sure you're in good health before the procedure. Recovering from Post Weight Loss Surgery Recovery time varies depending on the extent of your surgery. It's important to follow all post-operative instructions given by your surgeon such as taking medications as prescribed, resting adequately and avoiding strenuous activity for some weeks after the operation. You'll also need to attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon so they can monitor your progress and ensure that everything is healing well. In conclusion, if you've lost a significant amount of weight but are struggling with excess skin or tissue, post-weight loss surgery might be right for you. Call Fleming Island Plastic Surgery at (904) 900-2704 and schedule your consultation today!
22 Nov, 2023
When you become a mom, your body changes in ways that can be difficult to accept. But there is hope! A Mommy Makeover from a qualified plastic surgeon in Fleming Island, FL can help restore your pre-baby figure and give you the confidence boost you need. Here’s everything you need to know about this transformative procedure. What is a Mommy Makeover? A Mommy Makeover is an individualized combination of cosmetic procedures designed to address the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Commonly included are breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, and labiaplasty – but each makeover will vary depending on the patient’s needs and desired outcome. Some women may choose additional procedures such as buttock augmentation or facial treatments like Botox® or dermal filler injections for added rejuvenation benefits. Benefits of a Mommy Makeover A Mommy Makeover offers many benefits for mothers who want to reclaim their pre-baby bodies after having children; these include improved self-image, increased clothing options due to better fitting clothes, enhanced sexual satisfaction due to restored vaginal tightness, if necessary (labiaplasty), and even improved posture due to abdominal muscle tightening (tummy tuck). The results of this procedure are permanent when combined with proper diet and exercise habits over time; however, it should be noted that future pregnancies could reverse some of the effects achieved through surgery so planning ahead is important if considering another child in the future! When Is The Best Time For A Mommy Makeover? Generally speaking, it's best for mothers who have finished having children before undergoing any type of major surgical procedure like a mommy make over because subsequent pregnancies could reverse some of its effects. It typically takes at least six months after giving birth for your body and hormone levels to return back to normal so waiting until then would provide optimal results from any cosmetic surgery performed afterwards - though certain components may still be done sooner depending on what kind they are looking into getting done specifically! Finding a Qualified Plastic Surgeon In Fleming Island, Fl When looking for a qualified plastic surgeon in Fleming Island, FL it's important not only to research their credentials but, also to take into account how comfortable one feels with them . Ask questions about their experience performing similar surgeries as well as what types of postoperative care they offer. Having realistic expectations before going into any major medical procedure will help ensure positive outcomes afterward too! Additionally, look up reviews online from former patients who have undergone similar procedures - seeing firsthand accounts can often give insight into both doctor quality as well as expected recovery times which might otherwise remain unknown until after experiencing them personally! Call Fleming Island Plastic Surgery at (904) 900-2704 and set up your mommy makeover consultation today!
20 Oct, 2023
What is a Face Lift and What is Botox? If you’ve ever thought about getting a face lift, chances are you’ve heard of botox as well. But what exactly are they? A face lift is an invasive surgical procedure that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin on the face or neck area. The surgery involves lifting underlying facial tissues and muscles before removing excess fat and skin. On the other hand, botox is an injection made from purified bacteria toxin that helps relax muscles in order to reduce wrinkles around your eyes or forehead. While it doesn't provide long-term results like a face lift does, it can be used to temporarily smooth out lines for up to four months at a time. What Are the Differences Between the Two? The biggest difference between a face lift and botox lies in their longevity; while both procedures will give you immediate results, only one offers lasting effects over time. With regular maintenance visits after your initial surgery (which usually last anywhere from 2-3 years), your face lift can keep its shape while also helping improve your overall facial structure with minimal effort on your part! On the other hand, those who opt for botox injections must receive repeat treatments every 3-4 months if they want to maintain their desired look - meaning more money spent over time due to frequent visits back into the doctor's office. Additionally, while both procedures have risks associated with them such as infection or scarring - these risks tend to be higher when undergoing any type of surgical procedure versus just receiving injections alone! The Benefits Of A Face Lift Versus Botox? When considering whether or not you should go through with either procedure there are many benefits associated with each option that should be taken into account first! Those who choose to get a facelift often experience longer lasting results than those who opt for just injectables; this means less money spent in followup appointments down the line as well as fewer trips back into see their doctor all together! Additionally, since this type of operation requires cutting away excess skin tissue it may actually help strengthen underlying muscle structures which could result in improved facial definition overtime without having additional treatments done afterwards! Lastly - unlike many injectable options available today - facelifts don't require any downtime afterwards so patients can resume normal activities almost immediately following their appointment (with some exceptions). Where Can You Find Face Lifts In Fleming Island, FL ? If you're looking for a qualified professional offering facelift services near Fleming Island, FL then look no further than Dr. William Wallace. Dr. Wallace is double board certified in both plastic surgery and general surgery. He is a highly experienced surgeon who has worked with many patients who desire a revitalized and youthful appearance. Advanced technology enables Dr. Wallace to produce the most natural-looking facelifts than ever before. Contact our office for your consultation and be on your way to a more youthful appearance.
29 Aug, 2023
Plastic surgery is a medical field that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Whether you're looking to enhance your appearance or correct a medical issue, plastic surgery can offer a wide range of options for you to consider. If you're considering plastic surgery in Fleming Island, FL, there are a few things you should consider before making a decision. Understand the Different Types of Plastic Surgery Before you can decide which plastic surgery procedure is right for you, it's important to understand the different types of plastic surgery that are available. The most common types of plastic surgery include facial plastic surgery, body contouring, breast augmentation, and reconstructive surgery. Each type of plastic surgery has its own unique benefits and risks, so it's important to do your research and understand the potential outcomes of each procedure. Research the Qualifications of the Plastic Surgeon When selecting a plastic surgeon, it's important to research their qualifications and credentials. A qualified plastic surgeon should be board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and have experience performing the type of procedure you are considering. It's also important to make sure the plastic surgeon is licensed to practice in your state. Consider the Plastic Surgeon's Experience and Reputation In addition to researching the qualifications of the plastic surgeon, it's also important to consider their experience and reputation. Ask your friends and family if they have had any experience with the plastic surgeon, or look online for reviews from previous patients. You should also ask the plastic surgeon for before and after photos of their past patients to get an idea of the quality of their work. Evaluate the Plastic Surgeon's Office Before you make a decision, it's important to evaluate the plastic surgeon's office. Make sure the office is clean and well-maintained, and that the staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Ask about the office's safety protocols and any additional services they provide, such as post-operative care or follow-up appointments. Schedule a Consultation with the Plastic Surgeon Once you've done your research and evaluated the plastic surgeon's qualifications and experience, it's time to schedule a consultation. The consultation is an opportunity for you to discuss your goals and ask any questions you may have about the procedure. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will assess your health and determine if the procedure is right for you. Plastic surgery can be a great way to enhance your appearance or correct a medical issue. If you're considering plastic surgery in Fleming Island, FL, it's important to do your research and choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. Wallace of Fleming Island Plastic Surgery is double board certified in both plastic surgery and general surgery. Contact us at (904) 900-2704 and let our team help you create the look and feel you have always wanted!
17 May, 2023
Renuvion: A Comprehensive Guide What is Renuvion? Renuvion is a revolutionary new FDA approved cosmetic procedure that is gaining popularity in the Fleming Island area. It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses cold plasma energy to help tighten and tone the skin, as well as reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Renuvion can be used to treat a variety of areas, including the face, neck, arms, abdomen, and thighs. Renuvion is a great option for those looking for a way to improve their appearance without the need for surgery. It is a safe and effective way to achieve dramatic results without the downtime associated with more invasive procedures. What are the Benefits of Renuvion? Renuvion can provide a number of benefits to those looking to improve their appearance. It can help reduce the appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines, while also improving skin tone and texture. Additionally, it can help improve the contours of the face and body, and can be used to target specific areas for more dramatic results. Renuvion is also a great option for those who want to avoid the risks and downtime associated with more invasive cosmetic procedures. The procedure is relatively quick and easy, and there is minimal downtime involved. What is the Process of Renuvion and How Can I Find a Provider in Fleming Island? The Renuvion process begins with a consultation with a cosmetic provider. During the consultation, the provider will discuss your goals and expectations, as well as assess your skin type and condition. The provider will then create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. Once the treatment plan is established, the provider will then apply the Renuvion device to the treatment area. The device delivers cold plasma energy above and below the skin, which helps to tighten and tone the skin. The procedure is relatively quick and easy, and there is minimal downtime involved. Call Fleming Island Plastic Surgery at 904-900-2704 if you are interested in finding a doctor for your Renuvion procedure. It is important to do your research and find a provider that has experience and a good reputation like Dr. William Wallace. What are the Risks and Side Effects of Renuvion? As with any medical procedure, there are some risks and side effects associated with Renuvion. The most common side effects include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness in the treatment area. These side effects are usually temporary and will resolve on their own. It is important to discuss any potential risks and side effects with your provider before undergoing the procedure. Your provider will be able to provide you with more information on the risks and side effects, as well as answer any questions you may have. Renuvion is a safe and effective way to achieve dramatic results without the need for surgery. It is important to do your research and find a reputable provider in Fleming Island before undergoing the procedure. With the right provider and a personalized treatment plan, you can achieve your desired results with minimal risks and downtime. Call and schedule your Renuvion consultation with Dr. Wallace at Fleming Island Plastic Surgery today!
By Dr. William A. Wallace 31 Mar, 2023
If you are looking for a nonsurgical alternative to a facelift, this guide can help. Here is everything to know about Botox and injectable fillers.
By Dr. William A. Wallace 02 Mar, 2023
Are you a good candidate for a neck lift in Fleming Island, FL? To find out, click here and read this guide on neck lift surgery.
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